Download Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2
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Nama Software Tersebut adalah Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2 ( GameBoy Advance )
Apa itu Virtual boy Advance ( GameBoy Advance ) ?
Game Boy Advance (sering disingkat GBA) adalah konsol permainan genggam yang dikembangkan, diproduksi dan dipasarkan oleh Nintendo. Ia adalah salah satu dari konsol-konsol terakhir seri Game Boy, dan penerus Game Boy Color yang populer. Ia dirilis di Jepang pada 21 Maret 2001, di Amerika Utara pada 11 Juni 2001, di Eropa pada 22 Juni 2001 dan di Republik Rakyat Cina pada 8 Juni 2004 (tidak termasuk Hong Kong). Nama sandinya saat masa pengembangan adalah Project Atlantis.
The GameBoy Advance is what Nintendo wanted to achieve with Project Atlantis (a 32-bit colour handheld that was backwards compatible). It is almost the exact same size as the GameBoy Color, but held lengthwise with the buttons at the sides and the screen in the middle. It features all the same buttons as the other GameBoys except for two extras on top (shoulder buttons). The screen is wider and larger than the normal GameBoy screen. GameBoy Advance is fully backwards compatible with GameBoy and GameBoy Color games which means you have access to a huge library of titles. GameBoy Advance take cartridges which are about half the size of normal GameBoy carts.
The GameBoy Advance can be attached to the Nintendo GameCube and games will interface between the two consoles.
On January 6 2003, Nintendo announce the GameBoy Advance SP, a more compact version of the GameBoy Advance that features a number of improvements on the original GameBoy Advance including a frontlit screen and a recharagable battery with up to 18 hours play time (with the screen light turned off; 10 hours with the light turned on). The battery can be fully recharged through the system itself within 3 hours. The SP version also comes with a multi-access port that is used for the AC adaptor and will also accept headphones if you use the special adaptor that Nintendo has also developed.
The GameBoy Advance SP was released in Japan on 14th Febrary 2003 for 14 500 yen and later released in the US on March 23rd 2003 at the price of $99US.
Although the GameBoy Advance is 32-bit, there is no 3D processor, so games will be mostly 2D (they look similar to Sega 32X games).
*Note : Ini Hanyalah sebuah eMulator dari Visual Gameboy Advanced dari keterangan diatas
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Nama Software Tersebut adalah Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2 ( GameBoy Advance )
Apa itu Virtual boy Advance ( GameBoy Advance ) ?
Game Boy Advance (sering disingkat GBA) adalah konsol permainan genggam yang dikembangkan, diproduksi dan dipasarkan oleh Nintendo. Ia adalah salah satu dari konsol-konsol terakhir seri Game Boy, dan penerus Game Boy Color yang populer. Ia dirilis di Jepang pada 21 Maret 2001, di Amerika Utara pada 11 Juni 2001, di Eropa pada 22 Juni 2001 dan di Republik Rakyat Cina pada 8 Juni 2004 (tidak termasuk Hong Kong). Nama sandinya saat masa pengembangan adalah Project Atlantis.
The GameBoy Advance is what Nintendo wanted to achieve with Project Atlantis (a 32-bit colour handheld that was backwards compatible). It is almost the exact same size as the GameBoy Color, but held lengthwise with the buttons at the sides and the screen in the middle. It features all the same buttons as the other GameBoys except for two extras on top (shoulder buttons). The screen is wider and larger than the normal GameBoy screen. GameBoy Advance is fully backwards compatible with GameBoy and GameBoy Color games which means you have access to a huge library of titles. GameBoy Advance take cartridges which are about half the size of normal GameBoy carts.
The GameBoy Advance can be attached to the Nintendo GameCube and games will interface between the two consoles.
On January 6 2003, Nintendo announce the GameBoy Advance SP, a more compact version of the GameBoy Advance that features a number of improvements on the original GameBoy Advance including a frontlit screen and a recharagable battery with up to 18 hours play time (with the screen light turned off; 10 hours with the light turned on). The battery can be fully recharged through the system itself within 3 hours. The SP version also comes with a multi-access port that is used for the AC adaptor and will also accept headphones if you use the special adaptor that Nintendo has also developed.
The GameBoy Advance SP was released in Japan on 14th Febrary 2003 for 14 500 yen and later released in the US on March 23rd 2003 at the price of $99US.
Although the GameBoy Advance is 32-bit, there is no 3D processor, so games will be mostly 2D (they look similar to Sega 32X games).
*Note : Ini Hanyalah sebuah eMulator dari Visual Gameboy Advanced dari keterangan diatas
Tampilan Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2 ( GameBoy Advance ) :
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Download Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2
Reviewed by indra
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